Social media advertising allows marketers to reach their ideal customers using rich demographic targeting capabilities and tailored ad messaging. Whether targeting a B2B buyer via LinkedIn advertising, reaching a potential customer via Facebook advertising, or serving ads to those who have previously been to your website through retargeting on Facebook or Twitter, social media advertising platforms provide a means to target advertising to small psychographic or massive consumer segments.

The process of combining psychographically segmented ad targeting with ad copy relevant to that segment and an appealing offer has been an effective tactic for our clients.

In terms of audience scale, social networks have massive reach that rivals television:

  • 161,400,000+ U.S. Facebook users
  • 124,000,000+ U.S. LinkedIn users
  • 57,600,000+ U.S. Twitter users

With seemingly endless combinations of ad-targeting options available, all of these channels allow advertisers to maximize reach to their target audiences without wasting advertising budget on non-targeted audiences.